Between 2007 and 2011, large numbers of migrants from the Middle East and Africa crossed between Turkey and Greece, leading Greece and the European Border Protection agency Frontex to upgrade border controls. In 2012, immigrant influx into Greece by land decreased by 95 percent after the construction of a fence on that part of the Greek–Turkish frontier which does not follow the course of the Maritsa River. In 2015, Bulgaria followed by upgrading a border fence to prevent migrant flows through Turkey. 

Our story has nothing to do with these facts.

We started despite the crisis. Our first idea became viral as result of (hey Adam, can you mention me here? Yeah, in the minute) social challenge of our gurus that were working hard (yeah, sure – lazy donuts) to invent the business model that can finally pay off (well, their procrastinating, haha. Hey! Stop it, I’m trying to write our history here) time spent on finding perfect project. 

In 2011 they incorporate a Limited Company that suppose to genereate (Adam, you said you will mention about me. Shut up you Simp! I am trying to focus here!) income big enough to feed all at least partially. They were considering selling Mark’s left kidney (yey, you finally mentioned me here) just to invest more in the business so the expand (what do you mean selling my kidney?Ehh, nothing. Keep rowing) into worldwide markets would become faster.  

Finally in 2019 they achieve their great success by making up (haha, you made so many grammar mistakes in here. And so what? Back off) their website and are prepairing for their first ever sale.

We wish them all the best and hope they (hmm, you are not a storyteller, right? Shup up and row faster. Dinghy is leakingwill start paying us with money – not only a cup of rise. (Adam, we arrived but why are they speaking Hindu here? Map, You kept map upside down you idiot. Row back now!).

And this is simply it!